Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Karmic Planets ::

The Planets in a chart are divided into two main categories:

1) The Inner Planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury

2) The Outer Planets: Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, Pluto

The Outer (Slow Moving) Planets are the main bearers of karma, especially when they interact with one or multiple inner planets.  This is also significant in synastry (two charts superimposed).
When outer planets are interacting with each other, a whole generation will be affected by that particular karma.

A quick word about karma and debt.  Most people assume that karma implies wrong-doing and a debt to someone else.  Most of the time, the debt you must repay is to yourself! You missed out on the lesson last time around and in this incarnation, you have vowed to "fix it" so you can progress further along your karmic path.

When we look at some of the karmic angles and planets, we are looking at karmic debts to yourself. What you need to ascend, to balance spiritual/physical, and to grow.

Saturn is the Lord of Karma, the Time Keeper and the Score Keeper.  Saturn does not forget a thing.
Depending on the planet it interacts and what the conversation is like, Saturn reminds us of past lives, experiences, lessons.  There is always a touch of melancholy here since Saturn really and truly deals with the past.

Transform or die.  Pluto is all about moving you forward whether you like it or not.  With Pluto, we look at the deep karmic wounds of our soul. Where it hurt so badly, we dissociated and pretended it never happened.  Pluto will not allow amnesia and depending on where it is placed in your chart, big changes and transformations will occur.

Evolution, propelling you forward in a lightening fast and unpredictable way! With Uranus, we speed things up.  If there is any kind of reticence in learning, Uranus will make it impossible to stay stagnant.

The Promise Land awaits! Neptune is pure spirituality.  It is the promise at the end of the journey, the pot of gold, the light at the end of the tunnel. Any planet challenging Neptune results in fog, confusion, delusions and addiction.  Neptune in itself is none of those things.

When here on earth, dealing with karma, lessons and relatioships, we could all use a little benefactor.
Jupiter bestows luck, optimism, hope and much much joy.  Jupiter is there to remind us all that we are made from the light and it is to the light we shall all return.

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