Sunday, September 8, 2019


Twin flame relationships are ruled by Neptune.  Why, you ask?

The 12th house (Neptune's realm) is the house of ascension.  Think of the 12th house as a spiritual airport.  Planes land and planes take off.  The 12th house is the portal between 5D (spiritual realm) and 3D (earth realm).

You land on the 12th house in order to take your first breath at the Ascendant point and you return to the 12th house to take your last.

A twin flame relationship is about releasing and healing all that hinders our spiritual ascension.  It is the highest spiritual relationship we as humans can aspire to have on this planet.

The misconception of twin flames and Neptune being illusory fantasies are being propagated by people who are not, I repeat, are not on a twin flame journey.  If you cannot understand the intricacy of a twin flame dynamic, you cannot lecture on the subject. That is my personal belief.
Of course, Neptune also gets a similar reputation.  Illusions, delusions, addictions, fantasy.. yadah yadah ya..

Neptune is a mirror, nothing more. It is not a fun house mirror that distorts what isn't there, but a flawless and smooth surface.  Neptune, like our twin flame, shows us all that is defective and broken within us and our personal planets.  Our job is to do an incredible amount of work on ourselves in order to clear all current blocks.  This journey is not for the faint of heart or people who live in la-la land.  Ask anyone on a twin flame journey.

The Astrological community keeps looking for clear-cut, cookie cutter formulas to prove the existence of twin flames.  Any Neptune contacts are quickly dismissed as delusions/fantasies.
I do not know the exact number, but today there are millions of people all over the world experiencing a twin flame journey.  How can they all be wrong and a handful of astrologers right?
I believe that if something is experienced on earth, Astrology will show it (more of the Astrology of the 2012 portal to come later).

There are no formulas or cookie-cutter, go-to signs for twin flame relationships.  Just like there is no clear proof of God or the soul in astrology.  This is something you prove by feeling it.  Such is the lesson of Neptune.

Having said that, there are recurring similarities in twin flame synastries and the twin flames natal charts. Let's call them common traits. By no means are they deal-breakers.  You can also have these planets with people who are not your twin flame, but you know who is or isn't your divine counterpart. Always use your inner knowing as a guide.  Astrology is here to confirm not prove.

As a general rule of thumb, look to any Neptune contact.  5D Love versus 3D love is the struggle of twin flames at the moment.  How do we integrate it here on earth?  There is no manual, we are all writing it as we go. I believe twin flames are a spiritual experiment to ascertain whether unconditional love can exist on earth. We are the first ones to volunteer for this mission and society gives us zero credit.  Until we prove it to the rest of humanity, we will always be labeled crazy and delusional.  Well, we are in great company at least. We have each other.  :-)

How do we make this experiment a success?

The very first thing we must all remember is that in order to ascend we must pack light.
Carry-on only.  The majority of twin flames carry so much baggage not just on their own but with each other. Think Karma on steroids. Not only is your own karma affecting you but so is your twin's.
If you follow the thousands of YouTube channels and blogs dedicated to twin flame journeys, you are no stranger to the concept of working on yourself.  If you rid yourself of any excess baggage, so will your twin.  However, we might not know what karma it is we must release.  We are trying to navigate in complete darkness.  Astrology is the most helpful tool that I have found.
It is the blueprint of your soul's current karmic plan.

What needs to be released (squares and inconjunctions especially) and what gifts can be called upon to help (sextiles, trines, quintiles).  Your natal chart is the breadcrumbs out of the woods.  Your soul spelled everything out for you. Your job is to understand it so you can change it.

I do not consider conjunctions and oppositions when dealing with this particular type of chart study.  They do not represent karmic blocks but current lessons the soul is trying out.  My specialty is old karma that hinders us in Divine Union with our twin and ourselves.

We are not doomed to suffer. We are destined to heal.


Twin flame relationships are ruled by Neptune.  Why, you ask? The 12th house (Neptune's realm) is the house of ascension.  Think ...