Sunday, September 8, 2019
Twin flame relationships are ruled by Neptune. Why, you ask?
The 12th house (Neptune's realm) is the house of ascension. Think of the 12th house as a spiritual airport. Planes land and planes take off. The 12th house is the portal between 5D (spiritual realm) and 3D (earth realm).
You land on the 12th house in order to take your first breath at the Ascendant point and you return to the 12th house to take your last.
A twin flame relationship is about releasing and healing all that hinders our spiritual ascension. It is the highest spiritual relationship we as humans can aspire to have on this planet.
The misconception of twin flames and Neptune being illusory fantasies are being propagated by people who are not, I repeat, are not on a twin flame journey. If you cannot understand the intricacy of a twin flame dynamic, you cannot lecture on the subject. That is my personal belief.
Of course, Neptune also gets a similar reputation. Illusions, delusions, addictions, fantasy.. yadah yadah ya..
Neptune is a mirror, nothing more. It is not a fun house mirror that distorts what isn't there, but a flawless and smooth surface. Neptune, like our twin flame, shows us all that is defective and broken within us and our personal planets. Our job is to do an incredible amount of work on ourselves in order to clear all current blocks. This journey is not for the faint of heart or people who live in la-la land. Ask anyone on a twin flame journey.
The Astrological community keeps looking for clear-cut, cookie cutter formulas to prove the existence of twin flames. Any Neptune contacts are quickly dismissed as delusions/fantasies.
I do not know the exact number, but today there are millions of people all over the world experiencing a twin flame journey. How can they all be wrong and a handful of astrologers right?
I believe that if something is experienced on earth, Astrology will show it (more of the Astrology of the 2012 portal to come later).
There are no formulas or cookie-cutter, go-to signs for twin flame relationships. Just like there is no clear proof of God or the soul in astrology. This is something you prove by feeling it. Such is the lesson of Neptune.
Having said that, there are recurring similarities in twin flame synastries and the twin flames natal charts. Let's call them common traits. By no means are they deal-breakers. You can also have these planets with people who are not your twin flame, but you know who is or isn't your divine counterpart. Always use your inner knowing as a guide. Astrology is here to confirm not prove.
As a general rule of thumb, look to any Neptune contact. 5D Love versus 3D love is the struggle of twin flames at the moment. How do we integrate it here on earth? There is no manual, we are all writing it as we go. I believe twin flames are a spiritual experiment to ascertain whether unconditional love can exist on earth. We are the first ones to volunteer for this mission and society gives us zero credit. Until we prove it to the rest of humanity, we will always be labeled crazy and delusional. Well, we are in great company at least. We have each other. :-)
How do we make this experiment a success?
The very first thing we must all remember is that in order to ascend we must pack light.
Carry-on only. The majority of twin flames carry so much baggage not just on their own but with each other. Think Karma on steroids. Not only is your own karma affecting you but so is your twin's.
If you follow the thousands of YouTube channels and blogs dedicated to twin flame journeys, you are no stranger to the concept of working on yourself. If you rid yourself of any excess baggage, so will your twin. However, we might not know what karma it is we must release. We are trying to navigate in complete darkness. Astrology is the most helpful tool that I have found.
It is the blueprint of your soul's current karmic plan.
What needs to be released (squares and inconjunctions especially) and what gifts can be called upon to help (sextiles, trines, quintiles). Your natal chart is the breadcrumbs out of the woods. Your soul spelled everything out for you. Your job is to understand it so you can change it.
I do not consider conjunctions and oppositions when dealing with this particular type of chart study. They do not represent karmic blocks but current lessons the soul is trying out. My specialty is old karma that hinders us in Divine Union with our twin and ourselves.
We are not doomed to suffer. We are destined to heal.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
The Vertex
The Vertex in Astrology is a point in the Western Hemisphere of a chart, not a planet. It acts as a second Ascendant but most importantly it denotes karmic connections and fated events. It is also called "Destiny's Gate". Its opposite point is called the Anti-Vertex. Much like the North and South Node, the Vertex and Anti-Vertex will always be opposite of one another.
The Vertex is said to "light up" or become activated by certain transits which will then bring us the fated connections we are meant to experience. Truth be told, NO ONE knows what activates the Vertex. The Universe is in constant motion and many planets and asteroids will pass by the Vertex in everyone's charts... but nothing happens. Then out of nowhere, you meet your Twin Flame.
What changed?
Even Astrology has blind spots. There are things we are unable to predict regardless of Mathematics and Astronomy. I call it the God Factor. We cannot see it or prepare for it, all we can do is trust it.
In the study of chart comparisons (Synastry) you will see Vertex and Anti-Vertex contacts with twin flames and some soulmates. This means the two of you were fated to meet but how that Vertex "lit up" is anyone's guess. Sure, you retrace your steps to see what was transiting the Vertex, but those planets have transited the Vertex before and nothing happened then.
This mysterious point in Astrology is usually placed in certain houses of a natal chart, houses 5 through 8. The house and sign of the Vertex in a chart will assign a specific "flavor" to karmic connections and fated events. I like to look at the house the Vertex falls in as it will give you a clue as to where this boatload of karma is likely to come in. The sign will explain what it brings us and what we can expect from these fated encounters and events.
The Fifth House- the House of Romance, Children, Arts and Crafts, Fun and Love Affairs.
Lucky you if your Vertex falls here! Ruled by Leo and the Sun. The Fifth House is always light and fun. Any fated event will usually come through dating, children, hobbies and fun activities. This is where you meet your Twin at a party or at a ceramics workshop. It is also the house of pets, so a dog park might also be a possibility. The Fifth House is actually a karmic house in regards to relationships and romance. Past life lovers are often found in the fifth house.
The Sixth House- The House of Work, Routine, Health and Fitness, Service
Virgo and Mercury rule this house. Here we encounter most of our fate at work, at the gym or at the grocery store! Whatever falls in the "every day routine" will bring you heavy karmic encounters/opportunities.
The Seventh House- The House of Traditional Relationships.
The house of Libra and Venus. In the Seventh House we merge by signing contracts. This is why it is often called the House of Marriage. It is also the House of formal partnerships such as business connections. Sometimes, our fated events occur once we get married. You could very well be working with your spouse or meet fated events through your spouse.
The Eighth House- The House of Death, Sex, Legacy and Taxes
This is Pluto's house. Think Scorpio- Passionate, Sensual, Secretive, Dark and Magnetic. Also Taboos. This house is loaded with possibilities. Interestingly enough, surgery, autopsies, ghost hunting and tattoos fall in the Eighth House. Inheritance and Tax audits live here as well.
Your fated encounters and events will have this type of flavor and will be met in these types of situations.
Let's observe some of the possibilities when your Vertex (or Anti-Vertex) is conjunct your Twin's planets. I personally only consider conjunctions and oppositions to the Vertex, but it is not set in stone. Many other astrologers consider trines, squares and sextiles but the Vertex always packs a punch and nothing delivers that better than a conjunction.
Vertex Conjunct Sun
You are the sunshine of my life. The Sun person is karmically tied to "light up" the issues related to house the Vertex falls in. These need to be revealed and healed. The Sun person will be able to warm up some of the frozen and stifled issues in relation to the house. You will also become aware of those parts of yourself you find unacceptable to others and are likely to hide. The Sun person will love that about you and will give you confidence to share them with the world. This is such a positive contact!
Vertex Conjunct Moon
Monsters under the bed. The Moon person will bring up childhood fears in relation to the house in order to heal them. This will be done through nurturing and care. The Moon person will wrap their arms around your injured inner child and make it all better. The key here is to expose the broken parts first in order to heal them. This can feel frightening at first, but the Moon is comfort so the process will be gentle. Great rewards are in store for you with this placement!
Vertex Conjunct Mercury
Are you listening to me? The Mercury person often brings vital information to the Vertex person. Think of the missing link or the final piece of the puzzle. They also bring clarity to the house your Vertex falls in. Definitely a "AH-HA moment!" They will also bring intellectual stimulation and inspiration. Often times, the Mercury person will teach the Vertex person how to communicate their needs and feelings.
Vertex Conjunct Venus
To know me is to love me. Pretty self-explanatory. Love and Romance arrives at long last! The romantic aspect of the relationship is particularly highlighted with this placement. The Venus person will love, love, love, love you!
Vertex Conjunct Mars
Go team, go! The Mars person is coming to empower and push the Vertex person in relation to blocks and obstacles in a particular house. There is a Rah-Rah-Rah cheerleader feeling coming from the Mars person. Also highlighted is the sexual attraction and heightened sexuality. If you have this happening in your Eighth House, get ready for smoking-hot action!
Vertex Conjunct Uranus
I didn't see that coming. Expect the unexpected. In fact, there are not enough blog pages I can fill with the possibilities of this placement. The Uranus person will rock your world. They will teach you about adventure and excitement, being unique and inventive, going further than you ever have before in your life. This is also unpredictable in terms of how and when you will meet them. Serendipity and Fate are definitely in charge here.
Vertex Conjunct Pluto
Ready or not, here I come! The Pluto person is coming and your life will never be the same. This is neither an easy nor fluffy placement. The purpose of the Pluto person is to remove all that is false and rotten in your life. Again, house placement will give you a clue as to what that is. With Pluto here, you don't really have a choice. What needs to go will go and the Pluto person will make sure of that. You might fight it but.. resistance is futile. The Pluto person will free you in ways no one else can. Very magnetic contact. Embrace it!
Vertex Conjunct Neptune
Somebody pinch me, are you real? When Neptune conjuncts the Vertex, they will bring a feeling of fate you cannot deny. The Neptune person seems to materialize out of a dream. We also see huge ideals: The perfect person, the ideal mate. The Neptune person can do no wrong here. The Vertex person will put them on a pedestal. This is the stuff dreams are made of. The dreamy nature of this placement will be mutual. You will both be lost in the land of dreams, hand in hand. Be careful you don't lose touch with reality. You are both real people with your own faults.
The Neptune person will bring you to emotional heights you never experienced before. Stay grounded, stay grounded, stay grounded.
Vertex Conjunct Saturn
Put a ring on it! Saving the best for last! This is as karmic as it gets. It is as karmic as having the lunar nodes conjunct the Vertex. This was fate that absolutely cannot be avoided. The Saturn person arrives to teach about commitment. Usually, the Saturn person is more willing to commit "formally than the Vertex person. Saturn won't put up with frivolities and fly by night affairs, so if this conjunction happens in your Fifth House, good chance the Saturn would prefer to move the show over to the Seventh House.
The Saturn person is coming to teach you about maturity, commitment and seriousness. It might feel a little heavy-handed but the Saturn person will never let you down. You can set a watch by them.
Vertex Conjunct North Node
You are my destiny! Indeed they are. The North Node is our karmic destiny. When karmic destiny meets Destiny's Gate, you get the most fated encounter of your life. Unfortunately, we don't get many clues as to how this is going to play out. All we know is that it will. If we are very lucky, we can look at what is happening with the Anti-Vertex. Hopefully, there are planets conjunct the Anti-Vertex that can explain why this person feels so fated and what is to come from the relationship. If not, you will find out soon enough. This placement feels fated from the start and the relationship is likely to start immediately.
Vertex Conjunct South Node
Have we met before? You bet! This karmic placement is usually "unfinished business" we need to address in this life. Again, without other planets to offer clues, we don't know what this unfinished business is. Usually, this happens so the pair can move onto new lessons, not away from each other. The North Node would be conjunct to the Anti-Vertex so the connection will continue to exist in the future. Super karmic connection. Think of it as wiping the slate clean.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
How to prepare for the Great American Eclipse
If you are to use tomorrow's energies to your full advantage, prepare NOW.
Venus and Pluto's August 15th opposition will be felt throughout tomorrow's Eclipse, August 21.
This Eclipse is going to burn and destroy all false attitudes, ego-based actions and emotions and no one does this better than Pluto.
Since these two planets are in opposition, we are being shown by the Great Universe what we must burn tomorrow to experience complete renewal and Twin Flame Reunion. Since Venus and Pluto contacts are always present (99% of the time) in Twin Flame charts, it is imperative that all Twins begin to look at all fears around love. Belief systems around love and sex that are steeped in fear must die. The Eclipse is coming to destroy them for you as if all Twins were to undergo a spiritual initiation. The process will feel a lot gentler if you put these things on the altar rather than to have them ripped out of you.
Write down all the fears you have around issues of worth.
Write down your deepest fears around love
Write down all your fears about your Twin Flame. Be very honest.
Write down all your fears about YOURSELF
Focus only on what you want to destroy, not what you want to invoke. You are making a grocery list of what you are ready to release and the Eclipse will take it. Be specific when you write, the eclipse won't edit your list and it will just take what is on it.
Examples of great things to write down:
FEAR, INSECURITY, DOUBT around your Twin and your Twin Flame Journey.
Example of a contract:
Dear Eclipse, I offer you my fears around love, past traumas, past abuse, past beliefs around love and sex. I offer you my ego and my separation from my Twin. I give you all my self-imposed obstacles and blocks due to fear.
Take these as a gift from me and destroy them on my behalf. Eternally grateful ________ (Sign it)
Tomorrow take the list, put it in a dish (or cauldron if you have one) and burn it. The Universe will do its thing. Always take great precaution when you burn something. The deeper the dish, the better.
Also if you use computers and phones for your business or to communicate with your Twin Flame while in separation, plug them into a power source but SHUT THEM OFF for a few minutes tomorrow right before the eclipse. Leave the batteries in since they are the nerve center of all communication you have received.
This will reset the devices and cleanse them of stored negative energy around money and love. Especially energy that comes from the collective such as social media, ebay, etsy and the www in general.
After the Eclipse is over, turn everything back on. I know it sounds weird, but please trust me. :-)
Eclipse times:
9:14 am PDT
10:14 am MDT
11:14 am CDT
12:14 pm EDT
Wear protective eyewear if you have them or do not stare directly into it. Regular sunglasses wont work. Be sure to protect your eyes!
So I guess the only question to ask is: ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE? Think about it...
Venus and Pluto's August 15th opposition will be felt throughout tomorrow's Eclipse, August 21.
This Eclipse is going to burn and destroy all false attitudes, ego-based actions and emotions and no one does this better than Pluto.
Since these two planets are in opposition, we are being shown by the Great Universe what we must burn tomorrow to experience complete renewal and Twin Flame Reunion. Since Venus and Pluto contacts are always present (99% of the time) in Twin Flame charts, it is imperative that all Twins begin to look at all fears around love. Belief systems around love and sex that are steeped in fear must die. The Eclipse is coming to destroy them for you as if all Twins were to undergo a spiritual initiation. The process will feel a lot gentler if you put these things on the altar rather than to have them ripped out of you.
Write down all the fears you have around issues of worth.
Write down your deepest fears around love
Write down all your fears about your Twin Flame. Be very honest.
Write down all your fears about YOURSELF
Focus only on what you want to destroy, not what you want to invoke. You are making a grocery list of what you are ready to release and the Eclipse will take it. Be specific when you write, the eclipse won't edit your list and it will just take what is on it.
Examples of great things to write down:
FEAR, INSECURITY, DOUBT around your Twin and your Twin Flame Journey.
Example of a contract:
Dear Eclipse, I offer you my fears around love, past traumas, past abuse, past beliefs around love and sex. I offer you my ego and my separation from my Twin. I give you all my self-imposed obstacles and blocks due to fear.
Take these as a gift from me and destroy them on my behalf. Eternally grateful ________ (Sign it)
Tomorrow take the list, put it in a dish (or cauldron if you have one) and burn it. The Universe will do its thing. Always take great precaution when you burn something. The deeper the dish, the better.
Also if you use computers and phones for your business or to communicate with your Twin Flame while in separation, plug them into a power source but SHUT THEM OFF for a few minutes tomorrow right before the eclipse. Leave the batteries in since they are the nerve center of all communication you have received.
This will reset the devices and cleanse them of stored negative energy around money and love. Especially energy that comes from the collective such as social media, ebay, etsy and the www in general.
After the Eclipse is over, turn everything back on. I know it sounds weird, but please trust me. :-)
Eclipse times:
9:14 am PDT
10:14 am MDT
11:14 am CDT
12:14 pm EDT
Wear protective eyewear if you have them or do not stare directly into it. Regular sunglasses wont work. Be sure to protect your eyes!
So I guess the only question to ask is: ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE? Think about it...
The Venus and Pluto Marker
Venus and Pluto aspects are the most popular Astrological search on google and with good reason!
Venus represents love and beauty but it also rules money and possessions. Pluto represents radical transformation, sex, regeneration and intensity. It also rules obsessions. So you have obsession and possession, love and sex... Oh boy!
Venus and Pluto are twin flames. Venus's soulmate is Mars and Pluto's is Asteroid Persephone.
But when these two planets meet, a possible twin flame connection is indicated. (Possible because the whole chart must be examined).
As of August 15, Venus and Pluto are in opposition. This opposition will continue throughout tomorrow's Great American Eclipse on August 21.
What does this mean for Twin Flames specifically?
When Venus and Pluto are in opposition, the following applies:
Obsessions, Insatiable passion, values, possessions, feeling owned, wanting to own and be owned, complete and utter transformation, death of the ego, fears come up stronger than ever, fear of love, fear of sex yet compulsively drawn to both, running, chasing, clinging to one another for dear life, unable to forget or think of anyone else, feeling unworthy, painful desire to merge into one another, not being able to merge into one another, obstacles, you are mine, I am afraid to be yours but I can't help it, I have never felt this way before, you will never feel this way again, lots of why? And lots of how?
These energies are present in the Eclipse for one purpose: To be released. These feelings are standing in the way of your Twin Flame Reunion. The number one element here is fear. Fear must die and no one kills it better than Pluto. Let Pluto do its thing. Give all fears related to your Venus over to Pluto. He will burn them so his beloved can be free and more beautiful than ever.
Venus needs to shine but in most Twin Flame charts she is damaged and carries a lot of karma that must be released. Pluto is our fearless power more so than Mars because Mars does not possess Pluto's deep insights and intensity.
Prepare for tomorrow's Eclipse by making a list of all things related to Venus that feel damaged. Write them down and tomorrow-burn them.
Venus and Pluto contacts free us from false beliefs around love that come from the ego. The ego in Twin Flame Reunion must be dismantled and defeated. I am so excited for all of us!
It is time to heal so we can all experience the greatest power in the Universe- LOVE.
Monday, August 14, 2017
In my experience, I have seen all karmic planets get a bad reputation. There are many fallacies surrounding karmic planets: Neptune, Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter.
These are the outer planets and are slow moving. The misconception is that since they are generational planets (one generation will have these planets in a certain sign) they do not matter and they must not be given too much weight. This may be true when these planets are making aspects to each other, but when they start speaking to the inner planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Sun, Moon or to our angles: Ascendant, IC, Descendant and MC the story changes.
Since these planets are the karmic planets, they must always be considered in Twin Flame charts. A Twin Flame is a karmic connection. If you and your Twin were karma free, you would not exist on earth.
These are the outer planets and are slow moving. The misconception is that since they are generational planets (one generation will have these planets in a certain sign) they do not matter and they must not be given too much weight. This may be true when these planets are making aspects to each other, but when they start speaking to the inner planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Sun, Moon or to our angles: Ascendant, IC, Descendant and MC the story changes.
Since these planets are the karmic planets, they must always be considered in Twin Flame charts. A Twin Flame is a karmic connection. If you and your Twin were karma free, you would not exist on earth.
Now that you have heard my spiel, let's clear Neptune's bad name.
Neptune is ruled by Pisces and its natural habitat in a chart is the 12th House. Neptune and the 12th house are the Spiritual markers in a chart. What is happening with Neptune and with your 12th house is the first thing I look at. Twin Flames are a SPIRITUAL union, therefore Neptune and 12th house connections will be prominent. Squares to Neptune indicate a loss of clarity and reality. This is where Neptune begins to falter. It is often associated with drug addictions, delusions and illusions.
Since Neptune rules mirrors it will reflect what is already distorted and broken. Neptune is not the scapegoat for our downfall. The planet of Ascension is simply mirroring back what must be healed and changed.
Since Neptune rules mirrors it will reflect what is already distorted and broken. Neptune is not the scapegoat for our downfall. The planet of Ascension is simply mirroring back what must be healed and changed.
This is coming from a perspective that our 3D world is our reality, but as Twins we understand that this world is an illusion and our spiritual connections (5D) is our truth.
The challenge of Neptune is asking exactly this: That you abandon what you see and embrace what you feel. This implies a leap of faith since what you feel makes no sense in 3D, therefore you must be crazy. Anytime you feel crazy, we look at Neptune and we must begin to dismantle your version of 3D reality. So I approach these contacts backwards because Twin Flame Unions are NOT like any other. Your truth is only to be found in the spiritual union, something your neighbor will never understand, so we won't hire him to do your Twin Flame Chart.
The most important step towards Twin Flame Reunion is to embrace what makes no sense.
Of course, society will tell us that what we feel and see "in your head" is not reality and that we are deluded, too romantic or non-committal. We dream of a perfect lover that doesn't exist. The Prince will never come and we must settle for a footman. People with Venus in the 12th house, Venus in Pisces or Venus Square Neptune can testify to these horrible statements. Again, at least one of the twins will have these markers or they will show up in your "synastry" (two charts superimposed) or the composite (the chart of the relationship).
The challenge to this is to embrace your truth. What a feat when the whole world is telling you that you are crazy. Well, I am here to tell you that you are right on the money and on a Twin Flame journey. Your perfect lover is your twin and the relationship will be the most difficult you will ever have. When it comes to Twin Flame relationships, use Neptune as your guide. The planet is here to whisper in your ear: "Don't forget you Twin Flame. They are here looking for you. Don't despair and don't give up".
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you need assistance towards your reunion or you don't understand what is happening and are confused, consider taking a peek at my Astrology reading page.
As always, Namaste.
Sunday, August 13, 2017
The Moon
In Astrology, the Moon represents our needs, our deepest feelings, and our fears. Squares and oppositions to the Moon always signify deep seated fears that must be confronted and healed. Depending on the planet that squares the Moon, we can see what karmic lessons are to be faced, resolved and healed once and for all.
In Twin Flame Astrology, contacts to the Moon highlight the needs and fears of the Twin Flame pair.
It is imperative to look at the individual Moons and any aspects in each natal chart. This is how we can investigate the root of your connection and what is standing in the way.
The more powerful the planet squaring the Moon, the greater the rewards. Pluto, for example, is the planet that burns down what is faulty and helps us to achieve great transformation.
It is not unusual to see Pluto/Moon contacts in Twin Flame Astrology as this connection is all about transformation and burning down outdated ego systems.
Of course, Moon contacts to other planets such as Venus or Neptune are also quite common in Twin Flame charts. The Moon is healed by Venus and Neptune. When these two planets form a square aspect to the Moon, there is an urgent need to heal the feeling of being unloved, unlovable and undeserving. Often times, Anxiety Disorders can be determined by looking at difficult aspects to the Moon in natal charts.
The Moon is ruled by Cancer and its natural habitat in a chart is the 4th House. It is the house of roots, home and where we go to be nurtured. The Moon is our soft, inner core. Imaginary friends and foes live on our Moon. Mothers and maternal figures are also represented by the Moon. The Moon is who we are when we are in a fetal position under the covers on a chilly night.
Honor Thy Moon. Resolve any conflicts to the Moon in order to be happy.
Namaste, Aleishtar
In Twin Flame Astrology, contacts to the Moon highlight the needs and fears of the Twin Flame pair.
It is imperative to look at the individual Moons and any aspects in each natal chart. This is how we can investigate the root of your connection and what is standing in the way.
The more powerful the planet squaring the Moon, the greater the rewards. Pluto, for example, is the planet that burns down what is faulty and helps us to achieve great transformation.
It is not unusual to see Pluto/Moon contacts in Twin Flame Astrology as this connection is all about transformation and burning down outdated ego systems.
Of course, Moon contacts to other planets such as Venus or Neptune are also quite common in Twin Flame charts. The Moon is healed by Venus and Neptune. When these two planets form a square aspect to the Moon, there is an urgent need to heal the feeling of being unloved, unlovable and undeserving. Often times, Anxiety Disorders can be determined by looking at difficult aspects to the Moon in natal charts.
The Moon is ruled by Cancer and its natural habitat in a chart is the 4th House. It is the house of roots, home and where we go to be nurtured. The Moon is our soft, inner core. Imaginary friends and foes live on our Moon. Mothers and maternal figures are also represented by the Moon. The Moon is who we are when we are in a fetal position under the covers on a chilly night.
Honor Thy Moon. Resolve any conflicts to the Moon in order to be happy.
Namaste, Aleishtar
Is This My Twin Flame?
Astrologers, Psychics and Tarot Readers are being asked this question over and over again.
Even when we give you the answer, it is never enough. You still doubt. WHY?
The first step towards Twin Reunion is overcoming doubt. This, unfortunately, must be done alone often time without any support. There is a reason for this. The ego that doubts must be dismantled before a Twin Flame Reunion can occur.
The ego is designed to protect us while here on earth. A Twin Flame encounter will shatter our false sense of security making the ego go into overdrive. The more you doubt, the more possible it is that you have met your twin.
My personal pet peeve are Astrologers and Psychics who flat out tell you this person is not your Twin. How do they know? This information is never given to them, regardless of how good they are.
When you read a chart or cards for a Twin, we as occultists enter into a sacred contract with the Universe to assist you on your journey by dispelling fears and offer clarity.
I will never tell you that this person is not your Twin Flame because I would be violating a sacred contract. If you are interested in getting an Astrology reading, I assume you already know this person is your twin. My job as a twin soul astrologer is to clarify all the clutter that stands in the way of your reunion. Both for you and you twin flame.
Yes, there are. There are astrological markers of a Twin Flame Connection that explain why you feel the way you do. IT IS WRITTEN. However, not all markers are the same. In order to understand them for each set of twin flames, one must examine the entire astral picture. There are no cookie cutter formulas.
My job is to help you lift the fog and the fear so you may walk confidently towards your sacred reunion.
Namaste, Aleishtar.
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Twin flame relationships are ruled by Neptune. Why, you ask? The 12th house (Neptune's realm) is the house of ascension. Think ...

The Vertex in Astrology is a point in the Western Hemisphere of a chart, not a planet. It acts as a second Ascendant but most important...
NEPTUNE In my experience, I have seen all karmic planets get a bad reputation. There are many fallacies surrounding karmic planets: ...
Venus and Pluto aspects are the most popular Astrological search on google and with good reason! Venus represents love and beauty but ...